Author's note: I am writing this because guns interest me and I want to focus on voice
Our modern weapons, the rifles, what are they capable of? There are many different designs for rifles including automatics, semi-automatics, snipers, shotguns, double-barrel, and automatic shotguns. These are different in some ways and they are the same in some ways, but they all have a few things in common. They all have a rifled barrel, they all come from muskets in some way, and the last thing they have in common is they're all used in war.
The types of rifles that are most often seen in war are automatics, semi-automatics(semis), snipers, and automatic shotguns. Some of the 64 auto rifles used in the war are the AK-47, the Browning M1918 BAR, Bushmaster M17S(Bull-pup), Colt M16A2, and the Colt M4 Carbine. Auto rifles are able to fire off bullets straight from the clip with no need to stop in between, unless there is a jam, by holding down the trigger allowing faster reloads and more than one shot at a time such as the triple fire option which is on many auto rifles which allows three shots per trigger pull.
Some of the semi rifles are the M1 Carbine, the M16, and the AR-15. Semi-auto rifles are able to fire off one bullet every time the trigger is pulled which gives more accuracy and allows them to fire and aim faster .
Some sniper rifles are the M24 sniper rifle, the M40 sniper rifle, and the Bor sniper rifle. Most sniper rifles have a removable or interchangeable scope and are bolt-action which means you would have to keep a lot of bullets handy because after each shot you would have to pull the bullet cover back which would make the bullet case fall out and then you would have to put the bullet in and slide the bullet cover back over the bullet. There are also semi-auto snipers which give a faster aim and fire time.
Some auto shotguns are the Benelli, the Beretta 391, the Browning, the Remington, and the Winchester Super X3. Auto shotguns work kind of like regular shotguns but instead of have to cock it and reload when you run out of ammo you would just have to change the ammo cartridge making reloading faster.
Even though they all seem different on the outside they all go into war, they all evolved from the musket, and they all have a rifled barrel. That's what's unique about both rifles and people. We might not all look alike, and even though there might be a lot of things different about us that separates us from others we are all still alike on the inside and we are all in some way the same.
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