Author’s note: I am writing this to predict what will happen next in my book The Sight by David Clement-Davies. I am predicting what will happen after the current scene and giving my opinion of why it will happen, as well as other events.
I believe that Fell, Larka, and Kar are going to experience the same thing Kar did when his pack was killed but they are going to be able to escape because they were beyond the meeting place where they were supposed to usually stay. Another prediction for it is that both Larka and Fell find they have The Sight, as well as having to battle Morgra who is their half-aunt. I also believe somehow their whole pack other than Fell, Larka, Huttser (their father), Palla (their mother), and Kar are going to die.
Why I believe this is accurate is from text evidence in the book. For the first prediction I believe it is accurate because of evidence that that is how Kar survived the first time because he wandered off and the people that attacked his pack didn’t bother looking for him. For my second prediction I believe it is accurate because on page 77, paragraphs 3-4, it contains a bit of a description of him getting a vision while looking into the water which is a power of The Sight. The reason I believe they both have it is because they are twins and on page 38, Morgra blesses them with what appears to be a blessing of The Sight. For my last prediction there is evidence because of a curse that Morgra puts on the pack by the power of The Sight. The curse is on page 68 that reads as follows, “By Wolfbane I curse you. By the power of The Sight, the power that has cursed me all my life, your little ones shall grow, and as they do, you shall all suffer. One by one your pack will be broken, until you are ready to give me the cubs. And if you do not, they too shall reap your fate.”
I am going to describe what might happen in the next scene if my first prediction comes true. What might happen is that after a while of trying to catch fish they are able to catch a few and start to head back to the den, but when they get there they find that the den has “ransacked” so to speak and that everyone is either dead or heavily injured.